The performer introduces a puzzle he says was invented by a Chinese magician called Fu Ling Yu. He displays a large cardboard plaque which is made up of four individual pieces, forming a sot of jig-saw. This displays the image of a large Chinese motif, against a patterned background. The same four pieces (nothing added or taken away) are reversed so the opposite side will display an image of the Chinese magician himself. When the spectator fits the same pieces together…WOW! The printed card looks the same size and the picture of Fu Ling is on view – but HIS CENTRE IS MISSING. There’s a huge gap. Could there be a missing piece of the jig-saw? Wait a moment…. Only 4 jig-saw pieces have been used throughout. From a small brown envelope, which has been on full view throughout, the performer removes a mysterious FIFTH piece which fits and completes the jig-saw.
The performer introduces a puzzle he says was invented by a Chinese magician called Fu Ling Yu. He displays a large cardboard plaque which is made up of four individual pieces, forming a sot of jig-saw. This displays the image of a large Chinese motif, against a patterned background. The same four pieces (nothing added or taken away) are reversed so the opposite side will display an image of the Chinese magician himself. When the spectator fits the same pieces together…WOW! The printed card looks the same size and the picture of Fu Ling is on view – but HIS CENTRE IS MISSING. There’s a huge gap. Could there be a missing piece of the jig-saw? Wait a moment…. Only 4 jig-saw pieces have been used throughout. From a small brown envelope, which has been on full view throughout, the performer removes a mysterious FIFTH piece which fits and completes the jig-saw.