Two identical strips of stiff card are displayed, both having the same image of a line of five playing cards on their fronts. The Queen of Diamonds is the central card. The reverse side of the cards show the backs of each card. The performer hands one strip to a spectator and keeps the other. He asks the spectator to ‘do as I do’. He asks the spectator to reverse her strip and then clip the Queen, using an ‘arrow’ paper clip. She can watch the performer clip his strip, or copy this, or choose for herself which card she wants to clip. The performer reverses his strip to show that he has clipped the central card – the Queen of Diamonds. When she reverses her strip, her paper clip is attached to another card – well away from the queen. Remember – both strips are shown to be ‘exactly’ the same.
Two identical strips of stiff card are displayed, both having the same image of a line of five playing cards on their fronts. The Queen of Diamonds is the central card. The reverse side of the cards show the backs of each card. The performer hands one strip to a spectator and keeps the other. He asks the spectator to ‘do as I do’. He asks the spectator to reverse her strip and then clip the Queen, using an ‘arrow’ paper clip. She can watch the performer clip his strip, or copy this, or choose for herself which card she wants to clip. The performer reverses his strip to show that he has clipped the central card – the Queen of Diamonds. When she reverses her strip, her paper clip is attached to another card – well away from the queen. Remember – both strips are shown to be ‘exactly’ the same.