The Comedy Magic of Johnny Geddes

The Comedy Magic of Johnny Geddes
Author: Ian Adair
Publisher: Ian Adair
Publication Year: 2015

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This is a long awaited book of 182 pages, illustrated throughout with drawings and photos. JOHNNY GEDDES was one of the leading comedy magicians in the UK, and the author has described his best comedy items, including over 40 kids' effects.

About the Book

JOHNNY GEDDES was a brilliant comedy magician, a theatrical agent, Joke & Magic shop owner in Dundee, and had his very own television series in the 1970’s.
He also authored several books which dealt with comedy magic, and over decades, published some 2,000 trick and routine items in most of the magic magazines of his day.

There’s practical material for all types of entertainers – comedy magicians, comedians, children’s entertainers, clowns, ventriloquists, comperes, (MC’s), or for anyone who is seeking comedy material for their programmes.

Author Ian Adair has selected the very best of Johnny’s material for this book, upgrading it, so the material is suitable for modern day audiences.

Gags and bits of business using items you will find around the home, visual gags, prop gags, comedy routines, kids’ effects for all age groups, even the description of a few ‘games’ suitable for those magicians who accept ‘full party’ bookings.

The Johnny Geddes ‘Profile Pages’, featuring photos, provides interesting information on this great master of comedy.

The book has a limited edition. Supplied with a FREE Johnny Geddes clip-on bookmark. Signed copies if wished.

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